Daily Mail Branded 'Sickening' After Asking Jennifer Aniston: 'Did You Overdo The Honeymoon Dinners
A Daily Mail article "shaming" Jennifer Aniston has come under fire after suggesting she ate too much on her honeymoon following her marriage to Justin Theroux.
The article, which leads with the headline "Oh Jen, did you overdo the honeymoon dinners?" has been branded as "sickening" and "triggering to people with eating disorders".
This constant scrutiny and criticism fuels so many wide spread issues," writes Lovett. "We all know the Daily Mail is vile and appallingly written, but the way they victimise Jennifer Aniston is an attack on ALL women.
Leyah Shanks, positive body image campaigner and blogger for the Body Confidence Revolution, says that the article is "a sickening display of sensationalist media which centres itself around shame".
This article is removing any sense of humanity and its key components such as compassion, empathy and understanding," she tells HuffPost UK Lifestyle.